Monday, 25 January 2021

ZXing Bar Code Reader Implementation in nuBuilder.

If you need to add the possibility of a bar code reader to nuBuilder you can use an open-source library like ZXing (1D/2D) or Quagga (1D). Both are working well with nuBuilder and depending on the case, you can use one or the other. In this example, I present the implementation of the ZXing library.

What can be as well very helpful is the usage of any smartphone as your remote WiFi camera. To do so, you can use the Iriun application to connect your mobile to your PC.

Another possibility is to run nuBuilder from your smartphone with its camera. I have also tested such a solution and it works well. The linked video shows how to do it.

ZXing bar code reader - YouTube link

One Helpful Addition to nuBuilder 4.5

In nuBuilder 4 it was easy to Clone a Form or an Object but there was no built-in way to Clone a Form and its Objects at the same time.

In nuBuilder 4.5 we now have this...

This new tool will create a new Form including selected Tabs, Subforms snd iFrame Forms. 

Then it will recreate the Form including...

  • Its Objects (if selected) 
  • New primary keys (if selected) 

and then...

  • Recreate a Cloned Form 


  • Dump every SQL record required to create the new Form so that it can be imported into another nuBuilder application. (This can be done because nuBuilder stores all its customisation  - including PHP and Javascript code for each Form - in its database.)

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Documented Changes in nuBuilder 4.5

If you want to know more about the differences between nuBuilder 4 and nuBuilder 4.5, the changes, additions and improvements can be found in a 29 page PDF on Sourceforge.

Complete with screenshots and explanations of what was done like [Added], [New], [Fixed], [Improved] etc.

Here is an example...

How to connect Arduino boards to nuBuilder

It's very easy with nuBuilder to analyse, present and process all data stored already on computer disk drive. But access to physical sensors, equipment or even to control appliances in real time - it's no more difficult with nuBuilder.
Just recently I've bought Arduino with some sensors and was trying to connect it to nuBuilder - and it was very easy 😀. The big benefit is that Arduino can connect to a web server and therefore you can use php files to perform any tasks and communicate both ways. It's a kind of fully mobile system - which can connect to the database from any part of the world - and the only condition is the access to the network.
If you are interested in such solution please find enclosed short movie how it works. 

How to connect Arduino to nuBuilder Forte - YouTube link

Friday, 8 January 2021

The Release of nuBuilder 4.5 - A Major Upgrade

 The nuBuilder team have been busy.

Since taking over from the original developer Steven Copley in December they have already produced a major update (nuBuilder 4.5).

This update includes...

  • Extra features.
  • Better security.
  • Improvements to the Graphic User Interface.
  • Speed optimisations.
For more information check out the official explanation on the Forum.